
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Uke Transcriptions

I've now tabbed out uke versions of the songs Hot Corn Cold Corn, Groundhog, Old Joe Clark, Shady Grove (AKA Mattie Groves), Chinatown My Chinatown, The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, and Waiting for the Robert E. Lee. Trying to do at least 2 or 3 per night. Most of these are fun to play right off the bat. These are primarily single note melodies as opposed to chord melodies. I do want to work on some chord melodies also. There's also a small selection of tabbed out songs in a couple of the uke books I got. Most of those I listed the other night. There's a long list of songs I want to work out uke versions of. D

idn't get a chance to work on tenor banjo tonight. Next chance I get on that I will try and whittle away a few more tunes. For now the majority of the tunes I'll be adding are going to be for the uke. Didn't get a chance to play bass tonight either. Haven't worked on that much at all since I got it. Hope to try and fit some bass time in over the next few days. That's not as much of a priority right now, but I do want to become adept enough at it to add bass parts to the regular tunes I play.

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